Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Jurying Away in Ouray

I spent last week jurying an art show in the beautiful town of Ouray,CO. This town's art
association has had a juried art show for 48+ years. I critiqued 500 pieces of art of varying quality and expertise from the region. I was impressed with the overall quality and variety of work. What did I jury out? Work that was weak in composition or value ( the usual technical stuff) and work that was passe, i.e., it was the usual view or subject matter, or it was just technically done. What was I looking for? Work that spoke visually to me...that had a strong spirit to it.
I was amazed at the huge turnout for the opening and the juror's talk...yes I had to give a small speech too...
This small town appreciates and celebrates the arts as a vital part of its culture...if you are in the area, check this town out.
I did have time to relax and paint!

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