I travel to NC Thursday to paint all week during a plein air paint-out sponsored by Germanton Gallery located outside Winston-Salem. I shipped my pochade, hiking boots, polarfleece, paints, brushes, tripod, backpack, and some canvas panels. I am dreading the bill...it weighed 35 lbs. I will be flying there and as I mentioned in my last blog that is a hassle for artists, so I shipped as much equipment as possible. My friend will have my odorless mineral spirits for me when I arrive.
I am going with one suitcase and will carry on my wetbox filled with more canvas panels. I have frames there and will paint sizes for those frames. I am packing clothes for all types of weather..it being April anything can happen.
I am painting with my two painting buddies and we are going to the Blue Ridge mountains to paint. We plan to get at least 2 paintings a day...that doesn't mean successful ones...just attempts. Our job is to show up and then see what happens. We can have 4 paintings in the show. The work will be hung Thurs pm. so we have 4 days to paint.
Some paint-outs require checking in, getting canvases stamped...this one is wonderful because we are invited by the gallery and we are trusted to paint plein air...no more than 20% "tweaking".
Consequently this is always a strong show with a variety of subject matter. This show also attracts a wonderful group of plein air artists from all over the country. It is always fun to see what everyone chooses for subject matter as well as how they paint the subject.
I also enjoy visiting with my collectors and artist friends. Check out my website for more information.
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