Friday, May 28, 2010

Taking Time

Left: "Reminders", oil. 11x14".

Today I spent a lot of time addressing postcards. I reviewed my mailing list, noting all those who have purchased work from me over the years. I wonder if they are still enjoying that piece of my world that is somewhere in their home or office. I hope that my work is always something that the viewer enjoys.
I have no way of knowing that unless a collector happens to tell me or write to me. Sometimes I do get feedback many years down the road. It always warms my heart.
I haven't sent out a mailing in a long time. It is a time-consuming task...and I would rather be painting than stamping, etc. I did however realize that this is also a way to thank my friends and collectors for bringing art into their lives. I also hope that they will come to some of the events that are posted and that I can thank them in person.
Taking time to deal with this part of being an artist was a good way to spend a part of my day after all.
And...thank you for taking time to read my blog...Happy Memorial Day.

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