Thursday, May 7, 2009

Art...a manly thing

10"x8" oil, Amy Evans

I am a member of WAOW and now KAWA, womens' art organizations. Recently there has been discussion about art created by women and the apparent continuation of gender bias in the art community. Many women artists try not to give any gender indication, so that the art will stand by itself. I have encountered such prejudice. It is still a part of many galleries. Men artists and their work are often taken more seriously by some because they have to make a living, so therefore they are percieved as being more dedicated. Very sad and provincial thinking. Guess what...many of them are able to create because of a spouse or significant other providing income, marketing, etc. If a woman is in the same position somehow it is different in some folk's eyes. Men artists sometimes also have the same bias.This bias crosses political bents too...from conservatives to liberals. Shouldn't the art stand alone?

My husband is very supportive of my art and thankfully I don't have to rely on my art income for our sole means of support. I have encountered the attitude that because of that fact I am not a serious artist and I shouldn't be out there in galleries, etc. Wrong assumption. Art is a part of my spirit and being able to create without the stress is very is my passion and I work hard at it. My income now resembles a part-time salary. Not too bad.

So for all those machos out there...get over it!

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