Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Doom and Gloom

Sounds like Halloween, but it is the current news about our economy...many artists are panicking too...isn't art one of the things we stop buying when the economy gets tight? I've been through this before...even opened a gallery when a recession hit...not on purpose, it was just the way it happened. I have had some big sales stop in their tracks because of the market this week, and the buyer supposedly went for some expensive posters instead...choosing to decorate rather than collect. What am I doing about this? I continue to paint and bring joy into my life. I continue to study and work to improve my art. I hike, and savor the beautiful place in which I live. Maybe this is hiding from reality, but I feel better and I will have paintings that make me smile. Eventually things will get better, and folks will tire of old posters that don't have any soul to them...collectors will be happy because they continued to add beauty to their lives...and the world will still be beautiful.

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